National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators
500 Dallas Street, Suite 3000 Houston, Texas 77002
PH 713-655-5761
FX 713-655-0020
National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators
About Us
NAPCA represents as Regular and International Members plant-applied pipe coating companies worldwide and promotes standardized protective coating practices. The Association also includes as Associate and International Associate Members those firms which service the pipe coating industry, share a common industry interest with and benefit from a close proximity to NAPCA Regular and International Members. NAPCA hosts annual events where its members can work together to maintain the general welfare of the plant-applied pipe coating industry. Association Members also benefit from presentations by industry-leading professionals regarding innovative manufacturing practices and new coating products.
Association History
The National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators (NAPCA) was founded in 1965 by a group of protective coating professionals who were intent on bringing manufacturing efficiency and product standardization to the plant-applied coating industry. Coating applicators came to recognize the marketing and cost benefits of coordinating their efforts through this organization and have effectively caused most pipeline coatings to be applied in-plant.
Today, the industry better manages production processes and works together to create innovative coating materials that meet environmental and safety compliance requirements. These coordinated efforts are evident at the well attended Association Member events. This membership has grown to more than 135 U.S. and international companies and includes the world’s foremost applicators, manufacturers and coating professionals.
Mission Statement
The National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators is committed to promote the growth of its industry and to provide its members, their customers and the international public with the high standards of quality and workmanship necessary to protect the world’s pipeline infrastructure.
NAPCA is committed to advance the following Core Values:
1. Member cooperation
2. Ethical business standards
3. Quality workmanship and materials
4. Accurate representation of information
5. Adherence to NAPCA specifications
6. The public’s protection